We are living in an interesting time. We have been on stay at home orders for months. The racial tension in our country is now forefront in our minds.

How can we find the good in these situations? How can we come out of the quarantine in a better place?

People have been taking advantage of the time at home. A lot of home gardens are more beautiful than ever.  Homes and closets are in order.

Is it time to look at your future? Start by asking yourself some questions.

What are your thoughts about your current job?
How do you feel-excited, depressed, anxious?
Is it really what you want?
Is it aligned with your values?
Aligned with your life?

If you are ready for a new career this is a perfect time to look into something new. Something that is aligned with who you are and what you believe.

The big question is: What do I do next?

I want to assure you that you have everything you need to start something new. Your skills and experiences are transferable to other industries. Most of us just keep moving forward on the path we are already on because it takes time to make a change. With this shutdown you have the time. Time to look into new ideas for your career and your life.

How can you live the life of your dreams?

With the shake up in the country nothing will go back to “normal”. That can be a good thing. How was “normal” working for you?

Think a minute about last year. What did a “normal” day look like? Really take yourself back to that day. What were you doing? How were you feeling? Were you happy? Were you stimulated? Are you ready to get back to those activities?

If the answer is yes. Good for you!

If the answer is no, this could be a perfect time for a change.

You need to decide how you are going to make that change.  When I was ready I tried to make changes and then kept falling back into my old patterns. I needed to look at things differently. My brain had its logic and that is where it stayed. I couldn’t do it alone. Hiring a coach helped me change my brain and my thoughts.

We only know what we know.

Doing something different is hard because our brain wants us to be safe, so it keeps us where we are. Being laid off or fired can be a blessing. It is a change in our routine. It opens us up to new thinking. It gives us time and possibly a new opportunity.

Don’t waste this downtime. Take time to learn more about who you are. Take time to think about your career and about your life.

Treat your life like your closets. Clean it out, organize your thoughts and end up with life you love.


Turn this year around. Make 2020 a new beginning.