

As I age I look to older people for advice. One thing I have seen on social media is deathbed regrets lists. One thing that stands out from those lists is that most people wish they had not wasted time on anger. They wish they spent more time loving themselves and...


I have a friend who had a girlfriend with my name. My name isn’t a common name like Bob. I am not used to hearing it unless they are addressing me. It was confusing when we all hung out so my friend decided to give me a nick name. She called me King. I was a bit...


I fell down yesterday. I was spinning down the drain. Something triggered me and I couldn’t get the craziness to stop. After wallowing in self-pity I wasn’t happy and I knew continuing to wallow wasn’t going to make me feel better. Here I am feeling horrible about...
Take in the Love

Take in the Love

Going through a breakup can be very sad and you can feel alone, like nobody loves you. We tend to feel like we need to be part of a couple to feel love. I am here to say that that is not true. I am single and I feel more love now than I ever have in the past, even...
Mindfulness: Kindness

Mindfulness: Kindness

Kindness is one of those things we forget at times, especially when we are overwhelmed, stressed and sad. When all you can see is your pain, being kind is hard to muster. Sometimes you just want to make others feel the pain too. You really don’t want to hurt others,...
Practice Self Care

Practice Self Care

It is so easy to fall into bad habits when you are overwhelmed, stressed and upset. The more you succumb to the bad habits the worse you feel. When I was going through my divorce I was hanging with a friend. We were chatting and I said something about me being stupid....