Your Stories

Your Stories

Our stories define our lives. For a long time, I held onto the stories from my childhood where I was the victim. As the victim I was giving my power away. That wasn’t what I thought when I held on to the stories. In fact, I thought the opposite. I thought of them as...
Take your power back: Scheduling

Take your power back: Scheduling

Scheduling gives us freedom and gives us life. When we schedule we get to decide what we want in our lives and we make it happen. And it gives us power over our how we live our lives. Our life is made up of habits. I drink decaf coffee. People say they can’t imagine...
Time management: Honoring your schedule

Time management: Honoring your schedule

We started with awareness on how you currently spending your time. Then we worked on how to set the goals, divide the tasks, and estimate the time each task takes. You are now making your schedule ahead of time. The last step is to honor that schedule. To do what is...