Everything is Temporary

Everything is Temporary

I recently read an article about Bruce Springsteen. He said that when he looks back at the old songs it feels like eight lifetimes ago. Our life is always changing. And everything is temporary. Who you are now isn’t who you were years ago. Even if you have the same...
What does your future look like?

What does your future look like?

My eyes take in the greens and blues of this beautiful landscape as I hike to the crest of the Smoky Mountains, I take in a deep breath of clean air mixed with the woodsy scents and gratitude washes over me. Gratitude for the abundance I now have. My life journey is...
Letting go

Letting go

When I used to get upset about something, I tended to hold on to the anger. I could get mad just thinking about the story. I got upset hours longer than the incident even took. I could spin out for days, sometimes weeks.   ​ What was this about? As I looked at...
Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I

I initiated my first divorce. I remember when he moved out. I remember coming home to an empty house. I was alone, all by myself. I felt lost. I had moment of panic. This was my new reality. I had friends and a good career and lots of hobbies. That didn’t help my...


I fell down yesterday. I was spinning down the drain. Something triggered me and I couldn’t get the craziness to stop. After wallowing in self-pity I wasn’t happy and I knew continuing to wallow wasn’t going to make me feel better. Here I am feeling horrible about...