Blocks: Failure

Blocks: Failure

One of my biggest lessons was from my second divorce. I knew that I was the common denominator in each marriage. I was one of the factors in the health of the relationship. It was time to figure out my part. Counseling helped open my eyes. The learning began, and it...
Blocks: Resistance

Blocks: Resistance

I have been reading a book about quantum physics. It is fascinating. It talks about how what we focus on, we create. It has opened me up to new questions. Are we focusing on the right things, so we create what we want? When you resist something, you create it. Your...
Blocks: Comfort zone

Blocks: Comfort zone

I am out of my comfort zone. I am in San Francisco on a house sit. It is amazing and it is hard at times. When I was deciding on my next career, I chose work that would create the life I wanted. I want to live my life with intention. I want to be the one to decide...
Selfcare: Embrace Your Uniqueness

Selfcare: Embrace Your Uniqueness

I remember being told as a kid that every snowflake is different. We are like snowflakes. Each one of us is different. Even in one family, each person is unique. This is a good thing. How one person does things is always going to be different than how others do it. It...
Selfcare: Have your back

Selfcare: Have your back

Having your back means taking care of yourself. To be kind to yourself. No calling yourself names, or beating yourself up. Having your back is about your relationship with yourself. Currently, I am on a housesit in SF. I have been having a great time. I’m taking...
Self care: Prioritize Self

Self care: Prioritize Self

Everything starts with you. If you love yourself, you can accept love from others and you can give love freely to others. If you don’t love yourself, love is not available to you. Start by prioritizing you. I was raised by a narcissist. It has made my journey to self...