Jun 8, 2023 | Belief, Design Your Life, Habits, reinvention, Uncategorized, Vision
I was driving to Ottawa on my first housesit. I hadn’t even quit my job or started my coaching business. I had house sitting in my vision statement. Immediately after I finished my vision statement, I went on-line to sign up with a housesitting service. I was heading...
Aug 25, 2022 | Career change, Design Your Life, Intention, Vision
I wrote my first vision statement when I took my first coaching class. It was an interesting way of looking at my life. I hadn’t looked at it like this in the past. I never had much direction in my life. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do even when I was in college. I...
Jun 30, 2022 | Balance, Choice, Design Your Life, Vision
Our life is made up of daily habits and activities. What we do each day makes us who we are. Planning the future is another way I help my clients. Thinking about who and where you want to be in the future will help you create it faster. I have clients work on a...