Words you use

Words you use

The words we use are important. They set the energy for a sentence. There are words that shut down your mind. And words that open you up to possibilities.  It is important to be aware of how words are affecting us. “I have to do this” brings up a different feeling...
Curiosity. The mindset for change

Curiosity. The mindset for change

Having an open curious mindset is an important start to finding a new career. When you come at ideas with curiosity you will ask different questions than if you don’t. Think about a new situation. If you come to learn, you look at the situation with an open mind you...
Who are you?

Who are you?

Are you ready for a change? Are you tired of the career you are in but don’t know what’s next? This month is all about figuring it out. The first step is to take time to think about who you are. What do you like? What things are important to you? One way to help you...
Evaluations: What didn’t work?

Evaluations: What didn’t work?

I hope you have finished the What Worked list.You probably forgot a lot until you looked back. I find it fun to rediscover the year. Take in all you have done this year.Celebrating is very important, so celebrate these accomplishments! Now let’s look at What Didn’t...
Upper limits

Upper limits

A healthy directive I try to live by is: Feel all of your feelings. Feeling sad or aggravated are hard. We understand how staying with that feeling is difficult but necessary. Staying with the feeling reveals more about that feeling. I have worked through many issues...


We learn and grow from being curious. Curious about what we are thinking and why we are thinking that way. Curious about what we are feeling and why we are feeling that way. Curious about other people. Curious about plants, animals, life… Curiosity will give you...