Jan 25, 2024 | Design Your Life, Habits, Time, Your Journey
Our habits are what make up our lives. Some habits move us toward our goals, others keep us stuck and not moving forward. We all have habits in each category. Habits can help us achieve our goals. For example, one of my goals this year, is to read more books that help...
Jan 4, 2024 | Belief, Perspective, Time
Our brain is really our own personal AI. Everything in the brain is programed from your past. When you think a thought, your brain is wired to prove that thought is true. There is lots of information in your brain to prove your thoughts, just like all the information...
Nov 17, 2022 | Power, Scheduling, Time
Scheduling gives us freedom and gives us life. When we schedule we get to decide what we want in our lives and we make it happen. And it gives us power over our how we live our lives. Our life is made up of habits. I drink decaf coffee. People say they can’t imagine...
Oct 27, 2022 | Design Your Life, Success, Time
We started with awareness on how you currently spending your time. Then we worked on how to set the goals, divide the tasks, and estimate the time each task takes. You are now making your schedule ahead of time. The last step is to honor that schedule. To do what is...
Oct 20, 2022 | Balance, Design Your Life, Success, Time
You have taken time to decide on your goals and to list the tasks under the goals. Now it is time to schedule your days. Why is a schedule important? Without a schedule our brains will take over. Other things will pop up and it will be easy to drift off to things that...
Oct 13, 2022 | Choice, Design Your Life, Time
Time is the biggest issue people seem to have. We tend to feel that there is never enough time in a day, a week or a year. But is that really true? I think we are so used to not having enough time, we use it as an excuse to not get things done. If we take time to...