Time Management: Habits

Time Management: Habits

Our habits are what make up our lives. Some habits move us toward our goals, others keep us stuck and not moving forward. We all have habits in each category. Habits can help us achieve our goals. For example, one of my goals this year, is to read more books that help...
Your actions influence others

Your actions influence others

We are all leaders. We are making an impact even if we don’t realize it. We influence our friends and family with the things we do, or don’t do, every day. There are many ways to do everything. We get to decide how we do things. I lead my clients to find a career that...
Insight comes from Reflection

Insight comes from Reflection

Reflections turns experiences into insight. Since I first posted this Tuesday Tip, I keep coming back to this statement. I have had a bunch of uncomfortable personal situations this fall. I had a breakup, a family wedding and a nasty friend encounter. Each situation...
Emotions are temporary

Emotions are temporary

You have started on your path of discovery. You are getting excited about the possibilities you never thought about before. There is some great stuff going on and you are enjoying yourself. Then thoughts start to arise that aren’t so positive. The doubt comes in. The...
Your own unique journey

Your own unique journey

Life is a journey. Everyone’s journey is different. It is only when we compare our journey to others that we create despair within ourselves.   Last night I went to a showing of a documentary by a local filmmaker, Paul Bonesteel,  called “Shadow of a Wheel.” It...