Sep 2, 2021 | Choice, Step by step, What's Next, Why?
Unmade decisions clutter your mind. The thought is just hanging in the background waiting to be decided and shelved. One reason people don’t make decisions is because they aren’t sure if it is the right decision. Until you decide, you will not know if the decision is...
Jun 10, 2021 | Balance, Curiosity, Why?
I am a curious person. I always have been. I am curious about people, nature, human interactions, just about anything. When I look at the people in my life they tend to also be curious. These people help me look at things in new ways. They are the people I call when I...
Jun 3, 2021 | Career change, What's Next, Why?
When it comes to life. We tend to stay on the same path even when we are not happy. We are wired that way. Our monkey brain keeps us safe. It thinks if we stay the course we will be safe. This may have been true in the caveman days. There were a lot of dangers....
May 20, 2021 | Choice, Design Your Life, Intention, mindfulness, Why?
We all have beliefs. Our beliefs help us navigate our lives.We have beliefs about everything we do.We also have beliefs about others and what they do. Then there are subconscious beliefs.Things we don’t always realize are influencing our actions. All of our beliefs...
Mar 18, 2021 | Consistency, Reflection, Why?
I am very good at seeing the big picture and breaking it down into steps. This came in handy for my editing and my script supervisor roles on set. I would look at the story and where the people had been before each scene. Then I would think through the story...