We have finished evaluating last year. Now it is time to gather all that information and start to get your plan together for this year.
To make changes takes concerted effort and it all starts with a plan. The plan should involve the things that are important to you. Your job and career, your life and your relationships.
If you don’t have a plan your life will not be very different than the past year.
I believe that what you dream you can make happen. Once you know the what, you will get there.
Let’s start by looking at where you are now in your career.
Do you love your career? Or are you ready for a completely new career?
Maybe you love your career but want to move to a different position within that field?
How about the company you work for? Are they aligned with your values? Are not treating you with the respect you deserve? Is the boss making your work easier or making it more difficult with his leadership style? They say people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers and leaders.
All things are possible. If you take time to really think about what you want.
I know how easy it is to stay the course and not make a change. How many years have you been wanting something new?
When I went back to film production, my goal was to get out of debt and figure out my life. I was in the middle of a hellish divorce.
The divorce ended, the debt was gone but I was still working in film production.
I was ready to leave for a few years before I made it happen. At first, I used the excuse that I didn’t know what to do next. When I figured that out, it was still hard to make a change. It was scary to think about how I would make it work. So, I kept working in film.
I made no plan to make the change. Nothing was changing. I knew I just needed to decide to do it. And with support I finally did it.
You can make it happen if you start with knowing what you want.
I believe with a plan you can make anything happen.
I help people see all of the possibilities available.
I can help you too. Send me a message.