I think it is time to talk more about thoughts. Have your thoughts been a bit crazy with this global pandemic?  Most days I have been able to manage everything but some days, it seems a bit overwhelming.
How do we manage on the days that we can’t seem to get past a sense of dread?

First thing to remember is you have control of your thoughts

What does that mean? It means that you get to decide who you are, how you feel and what you think. It sounds so easy, but it’s not. We tend to believe that what we think is the truth. But is it?  That is where the work starts.

We have an image of who we are. That image has developed over the years. How we see ourselves is how we think we are. If you took a moment to draw yourself, as you imagine you look, how would that look? How would you describe yourself? How would your friends describe you?

Your image is tied to your thoughts. A perfect example of this is an anorexic person. We are shocked at how thin they get and yet they still see themselves as fat. Their thoughts have taken over. They need to change how they think of themselves before they can heal. 

Weight is not an issue for everyone but 
we all have thoughts that stop us from doing things.

When I had decided it was time to change careers, my thought was that I just didn’t know what to do next. This was a thought I took as truth. It was just an excuse to not make a change. I was afraid. Fear usually shows up in excuses. And I had a bunch of them.

I realized I was the only one that could make the change for myself. It was time for me to stop coming up with excuses and take responsibility to find my next career. I hadn’t even tried to find something different. Only I could change my life. It was time. I decided to look at it like any other project and I broke it down into steps.


Discovery steps
  • Think about who I am and how I want to live my life.
  • Choose three things that interest me and researched them.
  • Then evaluate the research and choose one.
  • Write down fears, thoughts, and excuses along the way and work through them with journaling and coaching.

Now I am working at something I love that takes my personality, my work experience and my lifestyle into account. I have more energy, even though I am working harder than ever. I decide my schedule. I arrange time for yoga, for hiking on beautiful days, lunching with friends, or even gardening. I work hard to manage my thoughts so that fear won’t stop me from my goals. Each day it gets easier.  I am happy I made the change.  Overall, Life is good.

What thoughts are stopping you from doing your next thing?