Your Stories

Your Stories

Our stories define our lives. For a long time, I held onto the stories from my childhood where I was the victim. As the victim I was giving my power away. That wasn’t what I thought when I held on to the stories. In fact, I thought the opposite. I thought of them as...
Holding Belief

Holding Belief

Belief is an interesting concept. I have held the belief that I could do anything as a career.  Even when I didn’t know what that was. I found a path when I was in college. After college I figured out how to pursue that path. I enjoyed it until I didn’t. I was ready...
Future Focused: Belief

Future Focused: Belief

I just got off a call with a client. She told me that yesterday was a busy day. She had a ton of stuff to accomplish. She got focused, looked at the time she had and then did the project that needed to get done in the allotted time. She was very proud of herself. I...