Boundaries: Two types

Boundaries: Two types

Let’s look at two types of boundaries. Physical and emotional. Physical boundaries are just that. Your body and your space. Everyone needs different things in their lives. Defining those things are your boundaries. Hugging or no hugging? I grew up with very little...


Another important way I help my clients is by helping them take responsibility for their lives. Everything we have in our life we created. Our friendships, our relationships, and our careers. We make decisions. Those decisions create our lives. No decision is a...

New perspective:Change your relationships

One of the things I help my clients with is a new perspective on their careers and life. A new perspective can help all areas of your life. Let’s start with relationships. With a new perspective you can change your relationships, today. We find what we expect and are...
Reflection brings insight

Reflection brings insight

When I was ready to change careers, I remember I just didn’t know what to do. Not knowing “What’s next?” keeps a lot of people stuck in unfulfilling jobs. I had changed my career direction in the past and enjoyed the experiences I had. I returned to film production...

Attitude is everything

I tend to have a positive attitude in life. That isn’t because my life has been all sunshine and roses. I have had my issues with family, relationships and career. But I look for the positive instead of the negative. It makes me feel better to find the good instead of...