Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey

Our life is a journey. When we set a goal the journey gets us to the goal, then we set the next goal. The goal is a fleeting moment. It helps us with move forward with life, but it is not where we live. We live every day. We live in the journey. If we only celebrate...
Barriers to setting boundaries:

Barriers to setting boundaries:

Boundaries are about you and are a guide for how you want others to treat you. Boundaries can be hard for people to set.  Let’s look at some of the barriers to setting boundaries. What is stopping people from setting boundaries? First, we were never taught to set...
Boundaries: Two types

Boundaries: Two types

Let’s look at two types of boundaries. Physical and emotional. Physical boundaries are just that. Your body and your space. Everyone needs different things in their lives. Defining those things are your boundaries. Hugging or no hugging? I grew up with very little...


Anxiety is just fear. Working through the fear will help you get through it. When I am true to myself, take care of myself, love myself, the anxiety lessens. It is when I am not in integrity, not grounded, and do not have my back, that is when anxiety takes over. We...