Time Management: Scheduling

Time Management: Scheduling

You have taken time to decide on your goals and to list the tasks under the goals. Now it is time to schedule your days. Why is a schedule important? Without a schedule our brains will take over. Other things will pop up and it will be easy to drift off to things that...
Time Management: Priorities

Time Management: Priorities

Time is the biggest issue people seem to have. We tend to feel that there is never enough time in a day, a week or a year. But is that really true? I think we are so used to not having enough time, we use it as an excuse to not get things done. If we take time to...
Intention: Is it important?

Intention: Is it important?

I have been thinking about intention. How and when did I make what I wanted a priority? In the past, I felt like I just floated from thing to thing. When I went to college I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, so I went with what someone suggested. Then when I was...
Future Focused: Belief

Future Focused: Belief

I just got off a call with a client. She told me that yesterday was a busy day. She had a ton of stuff to accomplish. She got focused, looked at the time she had and then did the project that needed to get done in the allotted time. She was very proud of herself. I...
Future Focused

Future Focused

Our life is made up of daily habits and activities.  What we do each day makes us who we are. Planning the future is another way I help my clients. Thinking about who and where you want to be in the future will help you create it faster. I have clients work on a...
Having your Back

Having your Back

Having your own back is a concept that sounds so easy but it has been one of the hardest things for me to master. A lot has to do with my childhood. My mother is a narcissist. It was always about her and her needs. I had to learn the difference of being selfish and...